The kitties and I are all snuggled up with a pile of books and some movies.
Willow clearly thinks I should find my own blanket!
Organdy Cupcakes
In which, the writer muses about fiber arts, books, history, caffeinated beverages, found objects, little furry creatures, and living gluten-free.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Year!
Friday, December 31, 2010
"The world was made round so that we could not see too far ahead" --Baroness Karin Blixen
I do not wish to rehash the unexpected difficulties, trials, disappointments, and just plain hardships of the last 18 months. It is good that I did not see them coming because there is nothing I could have done ahead of time to stop them or change their course.
I have always been a cockeyed optomist. I still am.
I considered starting a new blog to go with the new life but...I don't know that it would be that helpful.
So.....big changes coming here.
I feel better already!!!!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Hey, Hit the Highway!
Mischief and mayhem reign as we covertly slip items into one another's shopping baskets, encourage our friends to built their fabric stash beyond several life expectancies, and add new favorite shops to our list. Welcome to the 11th Annual Nebraska Shop-Hop.
My darling mother and I have made this a mother-daughter tradition. We usually only travel on weekends and this year, one weekend was plenty of fun. I usually do the driving and she's my navigator. Um, yes, there are still places in Nebraska in which your onboard nav system will simply say, "Abandon hope, all ye who dare to enter here." This year, we reversed rolls. I did not get as many photos as I would have liked because a certain wee seventy year old was on my case to get back in the car! "Time's awastin', ya know!"
Our first day, a Saturday, we explored the Southeast corner of Nebraska. We visited two shops in Omaha, one in Plattsmouth, two in Auburn, and one in Falls City, the hometown of Larry the Cable Guy.
Here are some shots of the amazingly well stocked "Heavenly Treasures" of Falls City. The nice lady who owns this shop could not stand the idea of this vintage church being torn down so she rescued it and no doubt hides her stash from her husband here.

Sunday, May 3, 2009
The Darvocet & Green Jello Diet
It was from this bed I rediscovered two things, the first being that I'm really still no bigger than I was in high school. For some reason, I go around thinking of myself as taller and having a more commanding presence. There is nothing like a pre-surgical hospital gurney to knock you down to the very essence of who and what you are and how fragile and fleeting an earthly life really is. I felt positively tiny lying there, IV ready, and blankets from the warming oven pilled high to stop the shivering. Second, some people are family because we are born to them and they to us, and some are our family because we adopt one another along the way. I have always known that I am tremendously blessed in my family and circle of friends.
If you were to ask me how I am today, I would have to quote a well known financial speaker and adviser and say, "Better than I deserve!"
Yes, everything went even better than expected, in spite of a few unexpected complications, and I am mending. Ready to get back on the bicycle trails, ready to try out that new, lighter crossbow, and ready to adopt some more friends. I hope you will add to your circle this year.
Blessings to all of you. I'll be back really soon.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
A little Quilt Along Progress

Elizabeth's cutting directions use "everything but the squeal". There is nothing wrong with the cutting instructions, only the actual size of the quarters. Many other members of the group ran into the same problem. I have purchased another quarter of the brown but have not yet prewashed it and have moved onto the next fabric combinations.

Monday, March 16, 2009
Wouldn't this be great?

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Happy 77th Birthday Daddy!!!
My dad is a great man. He didn't run a large corporation or win an Olympic Medal. He wasn't the mayor of our small town or famous for anything but his easy laugh. To me, he has always been ten feet tall.
He taught me that upwardly-mobile often means downwardly-noble, that is is more important, to be a success as a human being than it is to succeed in your job. To always do an "honest day's work" and do it cheerfully.
When I was little, he used to take me swimming. I would watch while he swam the length of the pool and back, underwater, without coming up for air, and I wanted to be just like him.
He taught me that it is never too late to pursue a new interest. After retiring, from thirty-five years at his job, he learned to play a new instrument (he already played the trumpet). After a bout with cancer, he picked up another, the violin.
He began gardening a few years ago and has become an expert, sharing the fresh, healthy fruits of his labor with all of us.
I wish I had realized sooner what a great and understanding listener he is. I could have used that ear while I was in high school.
His hips bother him a little but he doesn't let that slow him down. This photo is 22 years old. It's hard to catch him with the camera - he moves too fast! But, he looks pretty much the same.
I love him so!